Ayuda con Ride Star Sound, Alguna información?

Hola a todos/as busco información acerca de la marca Star Sound, recientemente compre una vieja Sonor Champion de los 70 y entre los platos que incluía me vino un ride Star Sound del que no puedo encontrar mucho salvo algunas reseñas en inglés y que tampoco aportan mucha información. Junto con el grabado de la marca además pone "made in W-Germany". Si alguien me puede aportar algo de información acerca de esta marca lo agradecería. Un saludo
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Zyn, Super Zyn & 5 Star Super Zyn[edit]
Zyn cymbals were introduced by Premier Percussion in 1950. They were marketed as an affordable instrument, with a priority of functionality over musical quality. They were made of nickel-silver alloy and could be purchased with Premier's Olympic-series drum kits. Pairs of concert cymbals were available for marching bands and orchestra.

The professional-grade Super Zyn range followed in 1951, realised in B20 alloy. According to Cymbals Today (a contemporary promotional material published by Premier), these instruments were endorsed by a number of professional jazz drummers, such as Ray Ellington and Eric Delaney.[5] Sizes were 12 inches through 24 inches, in thin, medium-thin, medium or heavy weights.[6] Concert cymbals were available in 14, 15 and 16 inch pairs.

The 5 Star Super Zyn range was announced in 1968, replacing the Super Zyn as Premier's professional-grade cymbal. Like their predecessors, these cymbals were also made of B20 alloy. However, their build was thicker and heavier - similar to the heavy-weight Super Zyns - reflecting contemporary trends in popular music, where denser cymbals were required to meet the increasing volume of amplified instruments in popular music. The range began with a 12-inch cymbal, while hi-hats could be specified in 13, 14 or 15 inch pairs. 16, 18, 20 and 22 inch cymbals were all available as a ride, crash, or crash-ride. Sizzle cymbals (factory-fitted with rivets), could be ordered in 18 and 20 inch sizes. Concert cymbals were available in 14, 15 and 16 inch pairs.

There was also a budget alternative to the 5 Star Super Zyn, called the 2 Star Super Zyn. The naming system was a reference to the contemporary octane rating system for leaded petrol in the UK.

Premier also marketed a Zyn 70.

Production of all Zyn types concluded in 1984, replaced by Premier's then-expanding distribution and promotion of Zildjian cymbals. However, the name has since been revived on two occasions, first in the late 1990s with a German-made Zyn. All previous Zyn cymbals featured stamped logos but the Made in Germany Zyn title was stencilled in capital letters. The range consisted of just four cymbal types: pairs of 14 inch hi-hats, 20 inch Medium Ride, plus 16 and 18 inch Crash cymbals. Unlike previous Zyns, there were no concert cymbals or Super Zyn variants marketed on this occasion.

The second and final reintroduction was announced by Premier in 2006: the new Zyn was machine-hammered B20 alloy, while the new Super Zyn was combination hand- and machine-hammered B20 alloy. Both types were made in China and can be identified by their stencilled nametag (distinct from the stencilling of the German-made Zyn range).[7] As with past Zyns, pairs of concert cymbals were also available. Unfortunately, the revival was commercially unsuccessful and the cymbals were only produced for a short period of time.
Gracias compañero por la info ,
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Zyn, Super Zyn & 5 Star Super Zyn[edit]
Zyn cymbals were introduced by Premier Percussion in 1950. They were marketed as an affordable instrument, with a priority of functionality over musical quality. They were made of nickel-silver alloy and could be purchased with Premier's Olympic-series drum kits. Pairs of concert cymbals were available for marching bands and orchestra.

The professional-grade Super Zyn range followed in 1951, realised in B20 alloy. According to Cymbals Today (a contemporary promotional material published by Premier), these instruments were endorsed by a number of professional jazz drummers, such as Ray Ellington and Eric Delaney.[5] Sizes were 12 inches through 24 inches, in thin, medium-thin, medium or heavy weights.[6] Concert cymbals were available in 14, 15 and 16 inch pairs.

The 5 Star Super Zyn range was announced in 1968, replacing the Super Zyn as Premier's professional-grade cymbal. Like their predecessors, these cymbals were also made of B20 alloy. However, their build was thicker and heavier - similar to the heavy-weight Super Zyns - reflecting contemporary trends in popular music, where denser cymbals were required to meet the increasing volume of amplified instruments in popular music. The range began with a 12-inch cymbal, while hi-hats could be specified in 13, 14 or 15 inch pairs. 16, 18, 20 and 22 inch cymbals were all available as a ride, crash, or crash-ride. Sizzle cymbals (factory-fitted with rivets), could be ordered in 18 and 20 inch sizes. Concert cymbals were available in 14, 15 and 16 inch pairs.

There was also a budget alternative to the 5 Star Super Zyn, called the 2 Star Super Zyn. The naming system was a reference to the contemporary octane rating system for leaded petrol in the UK.

Premier also marketed a Zyn 70.

Production of all Zyn types concluded in 1984, replaced by Premier's then-expanding distribution and promotion of Zildjian cymbals. However, the name has since been revived on two occasions, first in the late 1990s with a German-made Zyn. All previous Zyn cymbals featured stamped logos but the Made in Germany Zyn title was stencilled in capital letters. The range consisted of just four cymbal types: pairs of 14 inch hi-hats, 20 inch Medium Ride, plus 16 and 18 inch Crash cymbals. Unlike previous Zyns, there were no concert cymbals or Super Zyn variants marketed on this occasion.

The second and final reintroduction was announced by Premier in 2006: the new Zyn was machine-hammered B20 alloy, while the new Super Zyn was combination hand- and machine-hammered B20 alloy. Both types were made in China and can be identified by their stencilled nametag (distinct from the stencilling of the German-made Zyn range).[7] As with past Zyns, pairs of concert cymbals were also available. Unfortunately, the revival was commercially unsuccessful and the cymbals were only produced for a short period of time.

Gracias txikipeople por la info, me ha servido para tener algo, probablemente puede ser que aunque el grabado no concuerde con las siglas puede ser que tenga que ver. por otro foro de bateras en USA me han pasado algo de información más, a ver si entre la que has pasado tú me puedo aclarar algo.Un saludo y mil gracias
Ya nos contarás si finalmente consigues saber a ciencia cierta la procedencia del plato y su historio.

Hola de nuevo compañero , me han comentado en un foro de otro país que quizás pueda ser un plato Sonor Tyrko de los 60 o 70 ..voy a ver si encuentro algo más de info. Un abrazo¡
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